My NC Mud & Rust studio is located at the following address.

7809 Prospector Place
Raleigh NC 27615
Email: [email protected]
By appointment only, 10AM to 5PM on weekends.
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I believe in collaborating with my clients to create the unique images they seek.  I offer a variety of different services, depending on my clients’ needs.  Please visit my web store for products and service pricing.

This is a partial list of the types of services and products I have offered up to now, but there is always the possibility that I will add more options to the list, depending on demand.

The current list includes:
- Ceramic and Metal Table-top sculptures, Garden Spirits-tm and Plaques
- Glass and stone Meyeglåssholdürs-tm
- Glass and stone Zippulls-tm
- Ceramic Itzu-tm Greetings
- Stained Glass windows, sculptures and terrariums
- Art, Craft and Design assistance and classes...Yes! You Can Make Art! I will work with you to accomplish a craft or 
learn pottery, painting, how to sew or solder (and when to to which), even a how to build website!

I do not have a set pricelist because each event is unique and requires different tools.  Prices are generally based on the medium of the work, length of the project, and size.  I will gladly give you an estimate once we have sat down and discussed the work.